
What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Common Hemorrhoid Causes
Leading causes of hemorrhoids and natural treatment options.

There are several causes that can contribute to hemorrhoids and it is quite common that those afflicted can suffer from more than one cause. Combined factors can increase the intensity or frequency of occurrences.
Most causes are related to circulatory and colon health. Proper diet and exercise is the best preventative and long term solution. However, here is no cure for hemorrhoids. Surgery is definitely not a cure. But, with the right supplementation, exercise and nutrition, the frequency and severity of future outbreaks can be diminished.

Leading Causes of Hemorrhoids

· Sitting for Long Periods
· Office Work
· Driving
· Straining / Pressure
· Pregnancy / Childbirth
· Straining during bowel movements
· Weightlifting
· Obesity
· Friction
· Distance Running
· Bicycling
· Exercise
· Heredity
· Genetic Factors

Circulatory Disorders
· Diabetes
· Arterial sclerosis
· Varicose Veins
· Parasites

Impaired Colon Function
· Poor Flora (Bacteria) Balance
· Candida (Yeast Allergy)
· I.B.S.
· Chronic Diarrhea
· Chronic Constipation
· Digestive Disorders
· Parasites
· Former Colon Surgery

Poor Diet
· Alcohol Consumption
· High Carbohydrate Diet
· Insufficient Dietary Fiber
· Ethnic Foods

Prescription Drugs
· Stool Softeners
· Antibiotics
· Certain Medications
· Overuse of Laxatives

We do not recommend surgery except as an option of last resort. Many sufferers have had surgical techniques performed only to see their Hemorrhoids return time and time again. Also, many of the popular creams, ointments and suppositories only offer temporary relief and many actually prolong the agony of Hemorrhoids.

Good News!
There are several effective natural hemorrhoids treatments available today that are significantly less expensive options to prescriptions and will provide long term relief.

We are always interested in learning about the latest progressive natural and herbal products and would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this "painful" subject.

Quick Tips for Hemorrhoids

The Quick Tips Guide for Easing Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Western Herbal reviews some quick tips for hemorrhoids relief.
Don't linger on the toilet. That may cut into your quiet time reading the Sunday comics, but never reading or staying too long on the throne is good advice for Hemorrhoid sufferers. Train yourself to have one bowel movement a day. Two is normal for many, but once daily is better for hemorrhoid suffering.
Resolve issues of hard stools, constipation or diarrhea. Accomplish this through diet, exercise and avoid stool softeners or laxatives.
Include more fiber in the diet. However, do not overdo it with fiber supplements. Avoid alcohol, high carbs and sugar, and avoid fruit when trying to recover. Include whole grains in the diet, especially amaranth, barley, and brown rice. Cabbage is helpful for many. Avoid coffee, dairy products or wheat if you even think they may contribute to your suffering with hemorrhoids.
Avoid sitting for long periods. If you have a job where you must sit for long periods, try to stand up about every hour or so for five minutes just to keep circulation going.
Practice good hygiene.  keep the affected area clean.
Avoid the use of most topical remedies. Many can prolong your suffering.
Stay away from exercise that may strain the pelvic area. Heavy lifting and cycling should be avoided when going through an episode of hemorrhoids.
Do not strain during bowel movements.
If you are suffering with hemorrhoids and would like more detailed information and tips...
Please visit us at Western Herbal and Nutrition
Or call our toll free number with your questions 1-800-223-3036

Diet and Hemorrhoids

Diet and Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be promoted by constipation issues stemming from a high fiber diet.

Hemorrhoids, the inflammation of veins along the lower rectum and anus, can cause pain and itching. In many cases, hemorrhoids are caused by straining during bowel movements. This is often the result of diets that promote constipation.

Foods to Avoid

We highly recommend avoiding certain foods to help prevent hemorrhoids; Especially, once they've become inflamed.

Alcohol, and red (chili) pepper can irritate hemorrhoids. Any foods that can cause constipation should be avoided, at least in large quantities. Many refined sugars and starches are examples, such as pastries, white rice, white breads and most pastas.

Coffee is another irritant people with hemorrhoids should avoid: Caffeine works as a laxative that could prohibit natural bowel movements. Excessive consumption of caffeine may also lead to a dependence upon artificial stimulants for bowel regularity. In addition, if people with hemorrhoids choose to replace too many clear fluids (aka water) in their diets with caffeine, all that fiber they eat simply hardens up, which their bowels must strain to pass. To add to the problem, caffeine is a stimulant and increases blood flow, which pumps more blood into inflamed hemorrhoids.

Staying hydrated is one of the reasons that alcohol and caffeine are important foods to avoid. Alcohol can dehydrate your system, which makes stool harder and the bowels less regular. If the diet consists of too much of either of these beverages in relation to water and clear fluids, the person with hemorrhoids can have worse symptoms. Both caffeine and alcohol should be used in moderation.

Additional Suggestions

Exercise: Regular exercise promotes colon health and helps regulate bowel movements.

Supplements: Complete Colon Care, is an excellent bowel regulator. You can buy it in powder or capsules in our store. Follow the dosage and directions on the label.

For more information on our products, please visit us at Western Herbal and Nutrition
The folks at Western Herbal are also glad to help with any questions about their products.
Their toll-free number is 800-223-3036.