
Help With Hemorrhoids

Heal Your Hemorrhoids

We have a product called Hem-Relief that really has no equal when it comes to solving the issue of Hemorrhoids. For Hemorrhoid pain, swelling and discomfort, itching, and seepage, internal or external Hemorrhoids, it works well for all problems. The margin of success with that product is 99% or better. But, nothing will shake my faith that the product should work for 100% everyone, all the time. The only reason it may not is if someone has what I term a 'primary issue.' The Hem-Relief while very effective is not a cure-all. If someone has been using topical creams or ointments, or suffers with constipation, hard stools, diarrhea, using certain prescription drugs such as pain killers, antibiotics, stool softeners or cholesterol drugs, they may need some additional help or advice to achieve 100% relief from Hemorrhoids. We have a customer service department that is dedicated to helping people who may fall into the 1% category of having slow or marginal results.

Here at Western Herbal we believe in our products and we are confident in our ability to help most anyone, even those who are in the extreme category of suffering. In almost six years of business, we have helped many people overcome their need for surgery. Hem-Relief has never failed to bring me complete relief in 48 hours or less. I should have had multiple surgeries for my problem, and only circumvented the need through taking Hem-Relief, without which I would have had to endure far more misery with Hemorrhoid suffering.

Some quick tips for easing suffering: keep the area clean. Do not strain during bowel movements, get on and off the pot quickly. Avoid stool softeners, as well as nuts, alcohol and high carbs such as sugar, potatoes, white rice, white bread and pastas. Focus instead on Whole grains and vegetables, and not too much fruit. Avoid sodas and candy when having an episode of Hemorrhoids. If you exercise, tailor your work-out regimen to avoid straining the pelvic area. Also, avoid friction to the area such as with stair climbers, or running machines.

Perhaps you are left with more questions on our products. Please do not hesitate to call our customer care department toll free at 800-223-3036. We are available 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Monday through Friday. We welcome your questions and feedback.