
What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Common Hemorrhoid Causes
Leading causes of hemorrhoids and natural treatment options.

There are several causes that can contribute to hemorrhoids and it is quite common that those afflicted can suffer from more than one cause. Combined factors can increase the intensity or frequency of occurrences.
Most causes are related to circulatory and colon health. Proper diet and exercise is the best preventative and long term solution. However, here is no cure for hemorrhoids. Surgery is definitely not a cure. But, with the right supplementation, exercise and nutrition, the frequency and severity of future outbreaks can be diminished.

Leading Causes of Hemorrhoids

· Sitting for Long Periods
· Office Work
· Driving
· Straining / Pressure
· Pregnancy / Childbirth
· Straining during bowel movements
· Weightlifting
· Obesity
· Friction
· Distance Running
· Bicycling
· Exercise
· Heredity
· Genetic Factors

Circulatory Disorders
· Diabetes
· Arterial sclerosis
· Varicose Veins
· Parasites

Impaired Colon Function
· Poor Flora (Bacteria) Balance
· Candida (Yeast Allergy)
· I.B.S.
· Chronic Diarrhea
· Chronic Constipation
· Digestive Disorders
· Parasites
· Former Colon Surgery

Poor Diet
· Alcohol Consumption
· High Carbohydrate Diet
· Insufficient Dietary Fiber
· Ethnic Foods

Prescription Drugs
· Stool Softeners
· Antibiotics
· Certain Medications
· Overuse of Laxatives

We do not recommend surgery except as an option of last resort. Many sufferers have had surgical techniques performed only to see their Hemorrhoids return time and time again. Also, many of the popular creams, ointments and suppositories only offer temporary relief and many actually prolong the agony of Hemorrhoids.

Good News!
There are several effective natural hemorrhoids treatments available today that are significantly less expensive options to prescriptions and will provide long term relief.

We are always interested in learning about the latest progressive natural and herbal products and would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this "painful" subject.