
Quick Tips for Hemorrhoids

The Quick Tips Guide for Easing Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Western Herbal reviews some quick tips for hemorrhoids relief.
Don't linger on the toilet. That may cut into your quiet time reading the Sunday comics, but never reading or staying too long on the throne is good advice for Hemorrhoid sufferers. Train yourself to have one bowel movement a day. Two is normal for many, but once daily is better for hemorrhoid suffering.
Resolve issues of hard stools, constipation or diarrhea. Accomplish this through diet, exercise and avoid stool softeners or laxatives.
Include more fiber in the diet. However, do not overdo it with fiber supplements. Avoid alcohol, high carbs and sugar, and avoid fruit when trying to recover. Include whole grains in the diet, especially amaranth, barley, and brown rice. Cabbage is helpful for many. Avoid coffee, dairy products or wheat if you even think they may contribute to your suffering with hemorrhoids.
Avoid sitting for long periods. If you have a job where you must sit for long periods, try to stand up about every hour or so for five minutes just to keep circulation going.
Practice good hygiene.  keep the affected area clean.
Avoid the use of most topical remedies. Many can prolong your suffering.
Stay away from exercise that may strain the pelvic area. Heavy lifting and cycling should be avoided when going through an episode of hemorrhoids.
Do not strain during bowel movements.
If you are suffering with hemorrhoids and would like more detailed information and tips...
Please visit us at Western Herbal and Nutrition
Or call our toll free number with your questions 1-800-223-3036